Friday, June 15, 2012

Craft To do: Join the Joann mailing list

Here where I live we are fortunate enough to have just gotten a new Joann store. They must pump in creative juices because you can not walk away from the store without feeling the immediate urge to make something. But I digress.

I went to said store the other day to look for fabric for a new laptop cover. I have always known that their Keepsake Calico fabrics were inexpensive and are often on sale. But for this particular project I was looking for something a bit more expressive. I found the perfect fabric...and then I looked at the price. WHAT? It was $12.99 a yard. Insanely out of my "what the hell" budget criteria. But fear not! I had signed up for the Joann mailing list which sends me great coupons every month. I received a mailer the other day for their Firefly Frenzy days which included several 40-50% off coupons for a single item. I also learned that you can combine coupons as long as they have different bar codes. So I was able to afford my sweet fabric.

This is Floral Medallion and Circles in Pink, both fabrics are from Splurge, a Stonehill Collection by Donna Wilder for Fabric Traditions.

So now I have my reasonably priced fabrics and am ready to whip up yet another Work In Progress...all thanks to the Joann mailing list!

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