Friday, June 22, 2012

Arkansas heritage leads me to hexies

To celebrate the sesquicentennial of the Civil War, the state of Arkansas has created a passport program which encourages visitors to check out 23 different civil war locations throughout the state. Once you get stamps from all of the sites you can earn a special patch or coin commemorating your travels. We love history and traveling in our family so it was a no-brainer that we would try to complete the passport. Plus this is an awesome way to learn more about the state we live in. To date we have hit 18 of the sites.
We visited the McCollum-Chidester House in Camden, Arkansas last weekend as part of our passport travels. The house was built in 1847 and is filled with period furniture and family items that belonged to the Chidester family.
The McCollum-Chidester House. Photo from Arkansas Heritage Trails.
Of course, the things that always catch my eye at historical locations are quilts. I'm not all that talented of a quilter, but I aspire to be. In one of the bedrooms of the home there was a beautiful hexagon quilt. I'm kicking myself for not having taken a photo, but this bedspread was the kind of quilt that made you want to be a quilter. So, I found myself online at Fabricworm buying some Kona Cotton Solid in Medium Grey for my hexagon masterpiece.

I also printed off some 2" hexagons to start my project. My plan is to surround pops of bright color with the grey solid. I've never sewn hexagons or done this much hand quilting so we'll see how bad I can screw this up.

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